This award-winning inhaler guides your behavior into using it correctly and effectively - Yanko Design

Designer of the Flohaler, James Plimmer, didn't desire to just make another inhaler that did a meliorate job than the final, or that looked more than stylish than most clinical-looking bronchial inhalers. Plimmer wanted to influence human behavior into inhaling correctly. The Flohaler's form, in that regard, doesn't follow part, but rather dictates information technology.

Designed to subconsciously guide the homo into taking the dosage more finer, the Flohaler's tilted mouthpiece makes you desire to tilt your head backwards, streamlining your airway as a effect. Another common problem with inhalers is that patients oftentimes breathe the dose in also apace. A narrower mouthpiece takes care of that problem past limiting the charge per unit at which the dose flows through the inhaler and into the mouth, reducing drug deposition in the dorsum of the throat. Designed to not just be more useful but more accessible likewise, the inhaler comes in a carefully selected color palette, allowing the color-blind to differentiate between different inhalers, while braille blazon molded right into the Flohaler's body allows the visually impaired to tell the difference between different inhalers.

A recipient of multiple blueprint and innovation awards, Plimmer says that the Flohaler shows a dramatic comeback in the way patients inhale their medicines.

Designer: James Plimmer


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